2025 ACEC-NH & NHDOT Technical Exchange Conference
Venue: Salon A/B clear filter
Thursday, April 17

10:00am EDT

Session 1: A) Lyme-Thetford Bridge - Lessons Learned; B) Innovative Combination of Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Conventional Construction Provides Economical Solution for Aging Infrastructure
Thursday April 17, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Session 1A: Lyme-Thetford Bridge - Lessons Learned
Speaker: Jeff Potter, NHDOT
- This session highlights the rehabilitation process for the Lyme-Thetford bridge with highlights on the public outreach, painting process, conditions after grit blasting of the 1937 structure, repairs to the truss members, and lessons learned in the process. The presentation will also give a quick overview of the cofferdam utilized to repair the pier which was floated into place and attached to the pier.

Session 1B: Innovative Combination of Prefabricated Bridge Elements and Conventional Construction Provides Economical Solution for Aging Infrastructure
Speakers: Sam White, McFarland Johnson; Jim Bowles, NHDOT
- Within a six-week roadway closure, this project replaced the superstructure and rehabilitated the foundations on the bridge carrying NH 113A over the Swift River in Tamworth, NH. The long detour (25 miles) warranted accelerated construction; however, low roadway user numbers did not support the added expense of fully committing to an Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC) approach. The solution for this project was an ABC “lite” approach that economically blended the use of Prefabricated Bridge Elements (PBEs) with conventional construction techniques. Attendees of this presentation will benefit by learning how techniques traditionally reserved for ABC can be applied on routine projects to improve project delivery. 

avatar for Robert Faulkner, PE

Robert Faulkner, PE

Vice President, CHA Consulting
Robert (Rob) is a transportation engineer with 38 years of experience. Since he joined CHA in 1996, he has dedicated the majority of his career to working on and managing CHA’s projects performed for the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. He has extensive experience designing... Read More →
avatar for Jim Bowles, PE

Jim Bowles, PE

District Construction Engineer, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Jim has been with the Bureau of Construction since 1985.  Three months after being hired by NHDOT Jim became a Resident Engineer and spent the next 15 years running road, bridge, water, sewer, building, railroad, and airport projects.  For the remaining 24 plus years he has been... Read More →

Jeff Potter

Civil Engineer IV, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Jeffery Potter is a Civil Engineer IV with NHDOT in the Construction Bureau and serves as a Contract Administrator for the Department.  He has been with the Department for 15 years and has been the CA on several bridge projects including the Shaker Bridge Replacement in Enfield NH... Read More →
avatar for Sam White

Sam White

Project Manager & Senior Bridge Engineer, McFarland Johnson
Sam, a New Hampshire native, brings 13+ years of expertise in bridge design, load rating, and inspection for state agencies and municipalities. As the leader of MJ’s New Hampshire bridge design group, Sam oversees complex bridge projects bringing an innovative yet practical approach... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Salon A/B

11:15am EDT

Session 6: A) FE Everett Turnpike Projects Update from Nashua to Bedford; B) The First Turbine Interchange
Thursday April 17, 2025 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Session 6A: FE Everett Turnpike Projects Update from Nashua to Bedford
Speakers: Wendy Johnson, NHDOT; Greg Tedeschi, NHDOT; Sam Newson, NHDOT
- This presentation will provide an update on the design and construction of several construction projects on the FE Everett Turnpike between Nashua and Bedford. The presentation will focus on design/construction work that has occurred to date, and active design/construction efforts for the Nashua-Merrimack-Bedford 13761 series of projects. A brief presentation highlighting the Bedford 16100 All Electronic Tolling (AET) conversion project will also be included.

Session 6B: The First Turbine Interchange
Speaker: Smith Siromaskul, HDR
- This presentation will discuss the development and design of the world’s first signalized turbine interchange located just outside of Daytona Beach.  Learn about the selection of this interchange concept from the perspective of different modes and stakeholders looking at traffic volumes, land use, cost, pedestrian safety, and future flexibility. Additionally, pros and cons will be compared against other innovative and traditional interchange types.  This presentation covers the basics of the system turbine interchange and its evolution into a service interchange.  This presentation will cover the basics of a signalized turbine interchange and the contexts in which one would work best.
avatar for Jeff Santacruce, PE, PTOE

Jeff Santacruce, PE, PTOE

Transportation Practice Leader, Weston & Sampson
Jeffrey has more than 20 years of experience leading highway and traffic engineering and transportation planning projects. A certified Professional Traffic Operations Engineer®, Jeffrey brings to our firm targeted expertise in the technology and scientific principles associated with... Read More →

Wendy Johnson, PE

Project Manager, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Wendy Johnson, PE is a Project Manager in the Bureau of Highway Design at the NHDOT.  She has been with the Department since graduating from UNH in 1998 with a BS in Civil Engineering.  She is currently overseeing many projects including the FE Everett widening project from Exit... Read More →
avatar for Sam Newsom, PE

Sam Newsom, PE

Project Manager, New Hampshire Department of Transportation, Bureau of Turnpikes
Mr. Newsom has worked for Bureau of Turnpikes for 14 years.  He is responsible for overseeing all project development for the Bureau, engineer staff and all their facilities.  He started at the Turnpike Bureau after receiving his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Wentworth... Read More →
avatar for Smith Siromaskul

Smith Siromaskul

Principal Professional Associate, HDR
Mr. Siromaskul is a Principal Professional Associate and has over 26 years of experience in traffic engineering and roadway design, particularly of complex, innovative concepts.  With a combination of experience including microsimuation, concept development, and geometric design... Read More →
avatar for Greg Tedeschi

Greg Tedeschi

New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Greg Tedeschi, PE is a District Construction Engineer, DCE, for the Bureau of Construction at the NHDOT.  He has worked at the Department for 17 years after completing 8 years as a general manager of an engineering/inspection consulting firm.  Before his current position as DCE... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Salon A/B

2:00pm EDT

Session 10: A) Fern Hollow Bridge Emergency Replacement Project Pittsburgh, PA; B) Madawaska-Edmundson International Bridge Replacement
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Session 10A: Fern Hollow Bridge Emergency Replacement Project Pittsburgh, PA
Speaker: Jason Fuller, HDR
- January 2022 the Fern Hollow Bridge collapsed. This critical NHS route is a diversion route for I-376, with 100,000+ vpd. Immediately, PennDOT, the City of Pittsburgh and FHWA used an emergency declaration to hire HDR to design and Swank Construction to construct the project using a design-build process. Instantly it was clear that schedule and budget were critical to implementing the project. Early coordination with the agencies, contractor and designer was critical. The permanent bridge was reopened to traffic in under 11 months, in December 2022. This could only be accomplished by the collaboration that the emergency design-build process provided.

Session 10B: Madawaska-Edmundson International Bridge Replacement
Speakers: Josh Olund, HNTB
- The international bridge spanning from Madawaska, Maine to Edmundston, New Brunswick, Canada serves as the sole link between a close-knit, mixed-national community. When inspection of this critical structure’s load capacity called for all truck traffic to travel through the next border crossing—approximately 20 miles away—MaineDOT and other stakeholders recognized the need for an alternative plan.

Within four years, working alongside countless stakeholders, HNTB evaluated and designed a six-span, steel girder replacement bridge that reaches an overall length of 1,828 feet and is a landmark for the community. The four-girder-designed system supports two lanes of traffic, six-foot shoulders for multimodal traffic and a six-foot sidewalk for pedestrians.
avatar for Jennifer Reczek, PE

Jennifer Reczek, PE

Administrator, Bureau of Bridge Design, NHDOT
Jennifer leads the NHDOT Bureau of Bridge Design, which is responsible for NH’s bridge inspection program and the development of projects to preserve, rehabilitate, and replace state-owned bridges. In this role she also oversees the development of policies, procedures and work plans... Read More →
avatar for Jason Fuller, PE

Jason Fuller, PE

Vice President / Senior Project Manager, HDR
Jason Fuller, P.E., is a Vice President and Senior Project Manager at HDR. He graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1992 with a BSCE and has 32+ years of experience managing and designing transportation projects with complex bridges and/or unique delivery processes including... Read More →
avatar for Josh Olund, PE, PhD

Josh Olund, PE, PhD

Associate Vice President, Structures Department Manager, HNTB
Josh Olund is a department manager and senior project manager within HNTB’s Northern New England Office where he works with a team of over 20 structural engineering professionals. With 17 years of experience focused in Maine and Vermont, Josh has delivered a wide range of bridge... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Salon A/B

3:30pm EDT

Session 14: A) Dummer-Cambridge-Errol 16304B (NH 16) Design and Construction; B) Milford 101 Safety Improvements 13692D
Thursday April 17, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Session 14A: Dummer-Cambridge-Errol 16304B (NH 16) Design and Construction
Speaker: Tim Dunn, NHDOT; Chuck Flanders, NHDOT
- The Dummer-Cambridge-Errol 16304B project reconstructs one mile of NH Route 16 in Cambridge, NH. The project is the second of four planned in Thirteen Mile Woods, from Dummer to Errol, that when complete would allow the road to not require load posting in the spring. The project was complicated by the proximity of the Androscoggin River to the east and extensive wetlands and multiple conservation easements to the west along with challenging construction conditions. All aspects of the project’s development will be discussed from design and mitigation to ROW acquisition and construction.

Session 14B: Milford 101 Safety Improvements 13692D
Speakers: Jason Ayotte, NHDOT
- Coming Soon!
avatar for Phillip Kendall II, PE

Phillip Kendall II, PE

Senior Transportation Engineer, HNTB
Coming soon!
avatar for Jason Ayotte

Jason Ayotte

Project Manager, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Coming Soon!
avatar for Timothy Dunn, PE, CPM

Timothy Dunn, PE, CPM

Project Manager, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Tim Dunn is a Project Manger with the New Hampshire Department of Transportation where he oversees the development of design projects.  Tim has spent fourteen years with the Department in various positions and before joining the NHDOT he worked for HNTB in their Tampa office.  Tim... Read More →
avatar for Chuck Flanders

Chuck Flanders

New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Coming Soon!
Thursday April 17, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Salon A/B
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