2025 ACEC-NH & NHDOT Technical Exchange Conference
Venue: Pierce Room clear filter
Thursday, April 17

10:00am EDT

Session 4: A) Using UAVs for Environmental Resource Surveys, Planning, and Construction; B) Stormwater Treatment Basin I-pad Inspection for use in Design; C) Incorporating Stakeholder Input: Multi-Benefit Stream Crossing Prioritization Modeling Updates
Thursday April 17, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Session 4A: Using UAVs for Environmental Resource Surveys, Planning, and Construction
Speakers: Brian Easler, NHDOT; Jason Leavitt, NHDOT; Jennifer Riordan, GM2
- This presentation shows how a UAV was utilized for a bat bridge assessment in Rhode Island. The Washington Bridge carries I-195 over the Seekonk River between Providence and East Providence. An assessment to identify the potential presence of bats was required as part of the NEPA documentation and permitting process. This large bridge has multiple spans over both land and water which made access difficult. A small drone fitted with a camera was used to inspect areas that could not be easily viewed with binoculars.

This presentation shows how a UAV was utilized to collect storm damage to New Hampshire’s sea wall. New Hampshire’s coastline has approximately 4.5 miles of earthen seawall that was damaged in a winter storm event. A drone fitted with a LiDAR sensor was used to collect data that was used to create a virtual model of the damaged seawall. That data was then used to developed cross sections of the damaged seawall that could be compared to the original construction plans and cross sections to determine the extent of the damages and to quantify the material missing that would need to be replaced to repair the seawall.

Session 4B: Stormwater Treatment Basin I-pad Inspection for use in Design
Speaker: Mark Hemmerlein, NHDOT
- This presentation reviews the NHDOT’s Stormwater Treatment Facilities inspection program. These facilities, like any other roadway related infrastructure, require periodic inspections and maintenance to prolong their functional integrity, longevity and treatment performance. The program is part of the NHDOT’s Asset Management initiatives to rely on
preventative maintenance and avoid or minimize larger maintenance or corrective actions that
may result from deferred action. The all-electronic inspection tool facilitated by the used of ERSI software load on an iPad. The condition rating: good, fair, or poor, are assessed for six conditions related to 1) Sediment accumulation, 2) Trash, 3) Erosion, 4) Structure condition, 5) Flow, and 6) Vegetation. The field information including pictures can be upload via data cell service and viewed in various desktop applications and dashboard.

Session 4C: Incorporating Stakeholder Input: Multi-Benefit Stream Crossing Prioritization Modeling Updates
Speakers: Polly Crocker, NHDOE; Koorosh Asadifakhr, UNH Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept.
- This presentation reviews the pilot UNH Stream Crossing Prioritization Model, intended to help state, local, and engineering communities prioritize replacement projects with multiple benefits. It covers the stakeholder engagement process and how stakeholder feedback shaped the model. NDHES will outline its plan for incorporating the model into a data-driven stream crossing prioritization program. The project empowers NH transportation, wildlife, and environmental stakeholders to continually develop a robust, efficient, and multi-benefit pipeline of crossing projects. By streamlining this process with quality data, flexible tools, intuitive training, and programmatic capacity, this project will contribute to the functioning and growth of a resilient NH.

Matt Urban

Bureau of Environment, Chief Operations Manager, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Coming Soon!
avatar for Koorossh Asadifakhr

Koorossh Asadifakhr

Ph.D. candidate, University of New Hampshire, Civil & Environmental Engineering Department
Koorosh Asadifakhr is a Ph.D. candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of New Hampshire, specializing in sustainable system-level asset management. His research addresses complex environmental challenges by developing innovative solutions that balance diverse... Read More →

Jason Leavitt

UAS Planner, New Hampshire Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aeronautics
Jason joined NHDOT in 1992, holding an Associates in Civil Engineering, and worked 27 years in the Bureau of Construction as a Contract Administrator. In 2015, he obtained his Private Pilot license and 2017 added his Remote Pilot certificate. Jason transferred to the Bureau of Aeronautics... Read More →
avatar for Brian Easler

Brian Easler

Aeronautics UAS Specialist, New Hampshire Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aeronautics
Brian started in 1994 and spent the first 27 years in the Survey Section, mostly working with the Geodetic Section.  He transferred to a computer support position in the CADD section working on development of software for use in developing highway and bridge design plans and supporting... Read More →
avatar for Jennifer Riordan

Jennifer Riordan

Senior Environmental Scientist, GM2
Jennifer Riordan is a Senior Environmental Scientist with GM2 Associates, Inc. She has over 20 years of environmental consulting experience, including wetland delineation, endangered species surveys, NEPA documentation, and environmental permitting. Jennifer is a NH Certified Wetland... Read More →

Mark Hemmerlein

Water Quality Program Manager, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Mark serves as the Water Quality Program Manager in the Bureau of Environment at the New Hampshire Department of Transportation.  He has 29 years of experience with the Department.  His duties presently involve managing many aspects of stormwater runoff from State Highways during... Read More →
avatar for Polly Crocker

Polly Crocker

Watershed Management Specialist, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Polly Crocker is a Watershed Management Specialist with the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services with over 15 years of experience in stormwater management. An active member of the NHSCI, she has successfully managed $6 million of American Rescue Plan Act funding projects... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 10:00am - 11:00am EDT
Pierce Room

11:15am EDT

Session 9: A) UNH Team #2 - Will Stark - PFAS in Soils; B) UNH Team #9 - Nathan Straussberg -Marine Energy Collegiate Competition; C) UNH Team #14 - Tyler Beresford - Hopkinton Intersection Evaluation
Thursday April 17, 2025 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Session 9A: UNH Team #2 - Will Stark - PFAS in Soils
Speakers: Will Stark
- Coming Soon!

Session 9B: UNH Team #9 - Nathan Straussberg -Marine Energy Collegiate Competition
Speakers: Nathan Straussberg
- Coming Soon!

Session 9C: UNH Team #14 - Tyler Beresford - Hopkinton Intersection Evaluation
Speakers: Tyler Beresford
- Coming Soon!
avatar for Roch Larochelle, PE, FNSPE

Roch Larochelle, PE, FNSPE

Associates-Northern New England, HDR
Roch is an Associate at HDR Engineering in Bedford, NH and is the Northern New England Civil Section Manager for HDR’s NE Practice.  He has 35 years of diverse technical and professional experience in all aspects of management and development of highway and roadway assignments... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 11:15am - 12:15pm EDT
Pierce Room

2:00pm EDT

Session 13: A) Best Practices in Rural Transit; B) Embracing Complete Streets and the Safe System Approach in NH
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Session 13A: Best Practices in Rural Transit
Speaker: Jill Cahoon, AECOM
- Using national research and case studies, this presentation describes how rural transit agencies are utilizing creative approaches to making vital connections for rural residents. Building off national research conducted through the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) of the Transportation Research Board and on assessment of rural transit services and national capacity building support through the Thriving Communities Program, this presentation will discuss traditional and nontraditional funding programs, technology-based operational solutions, and examples of how agencies and regions are collaborating to address complex challenges. Come learn about what our rural peers are doing to expand access to alternative transportation options.

Session 13B: Embracing Complete Streets and the Safe System Approach in NH
Speakers: Bill Lambert, NHDOT
- The terms "complete streets" and "safe system approach" have recently gained traction among transportation agencies and advocacy groups across the nation. However, these concepts remain mere buzzwords unless supported by actionable strategies that transform an agency's culture and direction. This session will explore NHDOT's initial "Complete Streets Policy" and the steps taken to integrate complete streets and safe system elements into all projects and activities. Join us to learn how NHDOT is leading the way in creating safer, more inclusive roadways.
avatar for Sonnia Tejada

Sonnia Tejada

Operational Manager, AECOM
Mrs. Tejada is a passionate Team Leader, Project Manager, and the Pavement Group Operational Manager at AECOM, with more than 20 years of transportation experience in the public and private sectors. Active in COMTO, TRB, CMAA, ISI, ASCE, and WTS as the WTS-NH Director-Chair Membership... Read More →
avatar for Jill Cahoon, GISP, ENV-SP

Jill Cahoon, GISP, ENV-SP

Vice President & Transit & Rail Planning Lead, Northeast, AECOM
Jill Cahoon leads AECOM’s Transportation Planning team in New England and lives in Auburn, NH. Jill’s professional area of focus is rural transit planning. She’s been developing rural transit plans, implementing new services, and supporting access improvements for communities... Read More →
avatar for Bill Lambert

Bill Lambert

State Highway Safety Administrator, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Bill is a native of Rumford, Maine.  A graduate of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, he worked as a consultant engineer prior to joining the NHDOT in 1993.  He served as State Traffic Engineer 2000-23, prior to his current assignment as Highway Safety/Active Transportation Administrator.He... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Pierce Room

3:30pm EDT

Session 17: A) Certifying the Right of Way Acquisition Process - Best Practices; B) Wilton Railroad Crossing Project – Utility and Railroad Coordination
Thursday April 17, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Session 17A: Certifying the Right of Way Acquisition Process - Best Practices
Speaker: Chip Johnson, OR Colan
- To advertise your project for construction, you must certify that the Right-of-Way acquisition process has been completed in compliance with Public Law 91-646 and it’s regulating mandates in 24 CFR Part 24, “The Uniform Act (URA)”. Compliance with the URA is critical in order to issue Right-of-Way certification. Failure to comply with the URA jeopardizes your ability to certify the right-of-way and risks your federal funding for the project. In this session, we will look at some of the more common pitfalls of the Right-of-Way acquisition process and discuss some best practices for avoiding those pitfalls and risking project advertising.

Session 17B: Wilton Railroad Crossing Project – Utility and Railroad Coordination
Speakers: Mike Mozer, NHDOT
- This session provides an overview of the reconstruction of two railroad crossings on NH 31 in the Town of Wilton. The project consisted of replacing two heavily skewed crossings to facilitate the movement of gravel, sand, and aggregates between the stone quarry and Granite State Concrete Company during short term road closures. The focus of this presentation will be the necessary coordination required between the Town, utilities, railroad operator, and the State to make this a successful project.
avatar for Jim Marshall, PE

Jim Marshall, PE

Administrator, Highway Design, NHDOT
James A. Marshall, PE serves as the Administrator for the Bureau of Highway Design at the NHDOT, having assumed the position in 2015. He has over 37 years of engineering experience, 29 years at the Department, which included Project Management in Planning and Community Assistance... Read More →
avatar for Mike Mozer

Mike Mozer

Design Services Chief, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Mike is a Professional Engineer and currently serves as the Design Services Chief in the Highway Design Bureau at the New Hampshire Department of Transportation. With more than 25 years in the transportation industry, Mike has experience designing and managing projects of various... Read More →
avatar for Chip Johnson

Chip Johnson

Project Manager, OR Colan
Chip is the NE Project Manager for O. R. Colan Associates. Before retirement, he served as a Supervisor for NHDOT’s Right-of-Way Bureau where he managed staff and consultants tasked with acquiring land rights for transportation projects. Chip is a Certified NH Public Manager and... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Pierce Room
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