2025 ACEC-NH & NHDOT Technical Exchange Conference
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Session 13A: Best Practices in Rural Transit
Speaker: Jill Cahoon, AECOM
- Using national research and case studies, this presentation describes how rural transit agencies are utilizing creative approaches to making vital connections for rural residents. Building off national research conducted through the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) of the Transportation Research Board and on assessment of rural transit services and national capacity building support through the Thriving Communities Program, this presentation will discuss traditional and nontraditional funding programs, technology-based operational solutions, and examples of how agencies and regions are collaborating to address complex challenges. Come learn about what our rural peers are doing to expand access to alternative transportation options.

Session 13B: Embracing Complete Streets and the Safe System Approach in NH
Speakers: Bill Lambert, NHDOT
- The terms "complete streets" and "safe system approach" have recently gained traction among transportation agencies and advocacy groups across the nation. However, these concepts remain mere buzzwords unless supported by actionable strategies that transform an agency's culture and direction. This session will explore NHDOT's initial "Complete Streets Policy" and the steps taken to integrate complete streets and safe system elements into all projects and activities. Join us to learn how NHDOT is leading the way in creating safer, more inclusive roadways.
avatar for Sonnia Tejada

Sonnia Tejada

Operational Manager, AECOM
Mrs. Tejada is a passionate Team Leader, Project Manager, and the Pavement Group Operational Manager at AECOM, with more than 20 years of transportation experience in the public and private sectors. Active in COMTO, TRB, CMAA, ISI, ASCE, and WTS as the WTS-NH Director-Chair Membership... Read More →
avatar for Jill Cahoon, GISP, ENV-SP

Jill Cahoon, GISP, ENV-SP

Vice President & Transit & Rail Planning Lead, Northeast, AECOM
Jill Cahoon leads AECOM’s Transportation Planning team in New England and lives in Auburn, NH. Jill’s professional area of focus is rural transit planning. She’s been developing rural transit plans, implementing new services, and supporting access improvements for communities... Read More →
avatar for Bill Lambert

Bill Lambert

State Highway Safety Administrator, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Bill is a native of Rumford, Maine.  A graduate of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, he worked as a consultant engineer prior to joining the NHDOT in 1993.  He served as State Traffic Engineer 2000-23, prior to his current assignment as Highway Safety/Active Transportation Administrator.He... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Pierce Room

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