2025 ACEC-NH & NHDOT Technical Exchange Conference
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Session 11A: Strafford Square Intersection (Rochester Roundabout)
Speaker: David McNamara, Stantec
- The Strafford Square intersection had long been one of the City’s highest priority transportation projects. The original layout created numerous conflict points leading to driver confusion and hesitation when traversing the intersection. The confusion distracted drivers from recognizing and responding to pedestrians and bicyclists, making it a dangerous and difficult area for all users.

The project included the construction of a modern multi-lane roundabout; relocating the aerial utility lines underground; new stormwater infrastructure including an underground infiltration system, water and sewer utility upgrades and replacements; and new ornamental street lighting, Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), and landscaping.

Session 11B: Souhegan River Pedestrian Trail, Merrimack, NH
Speakers: Anna Giraldi, Turner Group; Tony Puntin, NHDOT
- The Souhegan River Pedestrian Trail connects the town’s four quadrants by providing a crossing of the heavily traveled US Route 3.  Utilizing an abandoned canal for a former shoe factory, the trail allows  residents and visitors  pedestrian access to the central business district, residential areas, parks, trails, shops, and schools, while maintaining the town’s history and environment. Although complex historical and environmental permitting requirements extended the design phase, construction was completed on time despite unexpected site conditions and will benefit the community for years to come. Innovative engineering solutions minimized environmental impact, including helical piles for the boardwalk to preserve the natural habitats and Foamed Glass Aggregate to reduce pressure on historic canal walls.
avatar for Jody Trunfio, PE

Jody Trunfio, PE

Principal, TEC, Inc.
Jody is a Principal with TEC, Inc. and has been with the company since its inception over 20 years ago. He currently works in collaboration with TEC’s practice areas overseeing the company’s major infrastructure projects throughout New England while remaining strongly committed... Read More →
avatar for Anna Giraldi

Anna Giraldi

Vice President, Chief Bridge Engineer, Turner Group
Anna Giraldi is the Chief Bridge Engineer at the Turner Group with over 25 years of experience in bridge design. She holds a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from Georgia Tech, specializing in structural engineering. Anna is the co-chair of the Women Transportation Seminar (WTS... Read More →

David McNamara

Project Manager, Stantec
Dave is a seasoned civil engineer and project manager with 25 years of experience in transportation and infrastructure design. Dave is skilled at leading large, multidiscipline teams and has managed a broad array of projects throughout all phases of development, from conceptual through... Read More →
avatar for Anthony

Anthony "Tony" Puntin

Project Manager, New Hampshire Department of Transportation
Tony has over 30 years of experience in the civil engineering profession with a focus on transportation and project management.  He is a Project Manager in NHDOT’s Community Assistance group.  He is also an adjunct professor at UNH where he is the coordinator of the Civil/Environmental... Read More →
Thursday April 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Salon C

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